Telephone: 415-491-4801
Location: 1050 Northgate Drive, Suite 480, San Rafael, California
Marcia Naomi Berger, MSW, LCSW
Author, Psychotherapist, Speaker
Telephone: 415-491-4801
Location: 1050 Northgate Drive, Suite 480, San Rafael, California
How to Find & Build Lasting Love—A Two-Part Workshop—February 2 and 9, 2025, with Marcia Naomi Berger, LCSW. Learn more and Register here.
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Marcia Naomi Berger talks about 21st century marriage, relationships, and communication.
She also talks about book writing and publishing on Mosaic television show.
Kim Corbin interviews therapist and author of Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love:30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You've Always Wanted. See it here.
For women: Learn how to meet your potential partner, date successfully,
"The relationship of marriage to happiness is simple as can be. There's hardly anything better than a good marriage for promoting happiness and nothing worse than a bad one," states Charles Murray, author of Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960 - 2010. (Page 256)
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Excellent advice for those married for years, as well as those about to marry.
Hello, my name is Constance and I wanted to know when you are having another workshop on The Marriage Meeting Workshop, and if this workshop may be offered in the form of a video workshop in the future. Please free to email me, thank you.
Hello Constance,
I keep scheduling the Marriage Meeting workshop, and you can view when the next one is on my blog. I have three workshops listed on this blog, on the home page and on other pages too. I like your idea for a video workshop. Thank you for the suggestion; it could be useful for folks who live too far away to easily get to a workshop in the San Francisco Bay Area. Do you think that we could capture the fun, energy, and excitement via video that is generated when people come in person to a workshop and get to interact face to face, share wisdom and and role-play.
Hi why can I not buy the ebook. I live in South Africa and am unable to find my country
You can pay for the book via paypal and I will then email it to you as an attachment. Do you want to do that?
Replying again to Hilda Deavall in South Africa: I just talked to a PayPal employee who said they serve 190 countries including South Africa! If the order system on my blog does not work for your situationi, you can simply log onto PayPal and pay me directly that way. When I receive the notice from PayPal (which happens quickly) I can promptly email the book to you.