
The Bipolar Therapist: A Journey

from Madness to Love and Meaning

When a sudden onset of manic episodes lands her in a psychiatric ward, what is a an established, respected psychotherapist to do? With an otherwise firm sense of self and an openness to new insights, Berger confronts the stumbling blocks of shame and stigma. A series of close friends and mentors stand by her through challenges with abusive colleagues, conflicted relationships with men, estrangement from her mother, and confusion about what truly matters.

The Bipolar Therapist is the only memoir that shows a complete recovery from bipolar disorder anddescribes how the author’s times as a psychiatric inpatient influenced her work positively as a psychotherapist serving psychiatric and alcoholic inpatients. Berger’s story hinges upon resilience, perseverance, drive, and courage.

Your One-Stop Marriage Bookshop

Is Below

Marriage Minded: An A to Z

Dating Guide for Lasting Love

From single to happily ever after . . .

Any woman who wants to marry can . . . once she learns how. Marriage Minded‘s A to Z format, packed with warmth, wisdom, and humor, makes the process fun and informative. You will learn how to overcome obstacles, meet men, and date constructively; you’ll read about single women of all ages who became happily married; and in Marcia Naomi Berger, you’ll have a sensitive guide to creating the lasting, loving union you’ve always wanted.

After her parents divorced, Berger became a long-term commitmentphobe who stayed single for many years. Now happily married for more than thirty-three years, this psychotherapist and clinical social worker’s mission is to help others create marriages that fulfill them emotionally, spiritually, physically, and materially. You can get Marriage Minded here.

To Keep Your Relationship Thriving . . .

Marriage Meetings for Lasting Love:

30 Minutes a Week to the Relationship You’ve Always Wanted

Couples can make love last; they just need to learn how. The book presents a deceptively simple formula: hold an interruption-free thirty-minute (or even less) meeting each week, a gentle conversation that follows an agenda that includes the kind of appreciation and planing for fun that fosters intimacy and paves the way for collaborative conflict resolution.

With this book, you’ll learn how to effectively communicate and connect with your spouse each week, and for a lifetime, with step-by-step guidelines that walk you through the four parts of a marriage meeting: expressing appreciation, coordinating chores, planning for good times, and resolving problems.

Inspiring real-life stories show how transformative these brief meetings can be. The communication tips and techniques Berger has gleaned from helping hundreds of couples will guide you toward a deeper, more lasting love.

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